Message from the Executive Director
Another year draws to a close and it has been a very busy one for EAST. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank all those who have worked so hard to provide information, time and resources to help us to meet our targets and objectives. Some of the highlights are as follows:
We held National Member meetings in Rome in February (hosted by Consorzio BANCOMAT), in The Hague in June (hosted by Europol) and in London in October (hosted by the LINK Scheme). During 2015 we welcomed five new National Members representing South Africa (South Africa Banking Risk Information Centre – SABRIC), Serbia (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – CCIS), Turkey (Bankalararasi Kart Merkezi A.S. – BKM), the United States (Citi Security & Investigative Services -CSIS) and Brazil (Tecnologia Bancaria S/A).
The EAST Expert Group on ATM Fraud (EGAF), chaired by Otto de Jong, held three meetings in January, May and September, all hosted by ING in Amsterdam. In June EGAF produced guidelines for the Standardisation of Terminology for Locations of Card Data Compromise devices at ATMs and assisted Europol to produce Guidance & recommendations regarding logical attacks on ATMs.
The EAST Expert Group on ATM Physical Attacks (EGAP), chaired by Graham Mott, held two meetings in March and September, both hosted by the LINK Scheme in London. In September we sent out our first EAST ATM Physical Attack Alert in a format agreed by EGAP.
In June Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with EAST in order to further strengthen a working partnership that has been in place since the first EAST meeting took place in February 2004 .
In June we also held our second EAST FCS Forum in The Hague. The event proved to be a successful platform in bringing together the perfect mix of banking representatives, security experts, police, payments associations, government agencies and many other stakeholders in the ATM crime prevention sector. It was planned and organised by EAST Development Director Úna Dillon, working with Liquid Nexxus, and will be followed by our third FCS Forum in June 2017.
In October EAST supported Europol at an International Payment Card Fraud Meeting in Colombia – Rui Carvalho, EAST Director and national representative for Portuguese National Member SIBs, participated in a two-day meeting in Bogota to discuss payment card fraud overseas and money withdrawals in Latin America.
In November this support for Europol continued at an International Payment Card Fraud Meeting in Singapore. I participated in a two-day meeting that was held in the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) and was co-hosted by Europol and INTERPOL to discuss payment card fraud overseas and money withdrawals in the extended South East Asia region.
Later in the month Úna Dillon presented the latest European Fraud Report to the first Annual Latin American Forum on Security in Payment Systems, held on 18th / 19th November 2015 in Asuncion, Paraguay. The event was co-founded by ATEFI (Latin American Association of Operators Electronic Funds Transfer and Information Services) and Liquid Nexxus in order to raise awareness of payment-related crime in Latin America.
EAST continues to keep abreast of the latest fraud trends and crime information, publishing our European ATM Crime Reports and European Fraud Updates. Our thanks go out to all the people and organisations that have shared information for the above, and for EAST ATM Fraud Alerts (27 sent out this year to date), and EAST ATM Physical Attack Alerts (2 sent out this year to date).
Finally, on behalf of EAST, I would like to wish all readers a wonderful festive break and a very happy and fulfilling New Year.
Kind regards