VIEWPOINT: Cybercrime
How much of an emerging threat to the ATM channel is cybercrime? A recent EAST website poll indicates a high concern about this issue.
60% of those who responded to an EAST Website Research poll posted from May to August 2014 feel that the emergence of cybercrime as a threat to the ATM channel is ‘High’, 36% feel it is ‘Medium’, and 4% feel it is low.
What is cybercrime? One definition is that it is criminal activity done using computers and the Internet. Another definition is that it is crime that has some kind of computer or cyber aspect to it. Regardless of definition it is clearly an expanding global threat as our reliance on computers continues to increase.
This result is in line with recent events. The ATM industry has seen malware used to eject cash (jackpotting), data intercepts used to compromise card and transaction data, and hacking into computer networks for processors of prepaid debit cards to allow multiple fraudulent cash withdrawals at targeted ATMs globally.
The current poll asks you how you see fraud risk developing for ATMs. To take it, and to see all past results, visit the ATM Research Page on this website.