National & Global Fraud Intelligence sharing – 4th Interim EAST Meeting
A fourth Interim Meeting of EAST National and Global Members took place on Wednesday 9th June 2021. Due to the Covid-19 situation, it was conducted as a virtual meeting. The meeting was chaired by Graham Mott from the LINK Scheme. The key focus was on the sharing of global, regional, and national, payment and terminal fraud intelligence.
Law enforcement overviews were provided by Europol, the Gulf Cooperation Council Police (GCCPOL), the United States Secret Service (USSS) and INTERPOL. Two presentations were made by Europol: one from the European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) covered recent successful cross-border operations; the other covered Physical ATM attacks across Europe. The GCCPOL presentation covered payment and fraud issues seen by their 6 member countries focussing on Technological Fraud (crimes committed using different forms/types of machines and technology) and Non-Technological Fraud (conducted directly against the victim. The USSS presentation covered US Fraud Trends (2020/2021), along with prevention/detection techniques, and the INTERPOL presentation covered recent issues relating to financial crimes, money laundering, and asset tracing.
Private sector fraud intelligence updates were received from 31 countries, either directly or via regional/global updates by Citi, HSBC and Worldline. Each update covered Fraud Types, Fraud Origin, Due Diligence and Physical Attacks (ATM, ATS and CIT). A key issue, highlighted by most of the countries, continues to be the importance of raising consumer awareness to counter the rising threats related to social engineering.
EAST Fraud Update 2-2021 will be produced during July, based on the country updates provided at the Interim EAST Meeting. EAST Fraud, Payment and Physical Attack Updates are available on the EAST Intranet to EAST Members.
The next meeting of this group, scheduled for 6th October 2021, will also be a virtual Interim meeting. The 1st EAST Global Congress is now scheduled to be held in February 2022, dependant on the prevailing status of the Covid-19 pandemic.