EAST EPTF holds 13th Meeting

The 13th Meeting of the EAST Expert Group on Payment and Transaction Fraud (EPTF) took place on Wednesday 29th June 2022.  It was conducted as a virtual meeting and was chaired by Rui Carvalho, EAST Development Director.

The meeting was attended by 13 key representatives from Card Issuers, International Banks, Law Enforcement, Payment Processors, Payment Services Providers, and Solution Providers.

Europol and the DCPCU provided the law enforcement perspective, and presentations were also made by Cartes Bancaires, Diebold NixdorfHSBCPAN-Nordic Card Association, Payment Services Austra (PSA), SIBsSTMP, TietoEVRY and Trend Micro.  Social engineering linked to authorised push payment (APP) or impersonation fraud is a key area of concern, as is ransomware.

EAST EPTF, which meets three times a year, adds value to the payments industry by using the unique and extensive EAST National Member and EAST Global Member platforms, and the Associate Member network, to provide information and outputs that are not currently available elsewhere.  It is a is a specialist group that discusses security issues affecting the payments industry and that gathers, collates, and disseminates related information, trends and general statistics.

EAST National & Global Members represent 35 countries and outputs from the group are presented to EAST Global Congress Meetings.  There are 212 EAST Associate Member Organisations from 52 countries and territories.

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