EAST FCS Terminal Fraud Seminar 2019

terminal fraud

An EAST FCS Terminal Fraud Seminar was held on 9th October 2019 in London, co-located with RBRs ATM & Cyber Security 2019 Conference. The interactive event followed the basic structure of work group meetings held by the EAST Expert Group on All Terminal Fraud (EGAF). This group, which meets three times a year, provides a platform for law enforcement and private sector experts to come together and share fraud information, trends and statistics in a structured manner.

terminal fraudAn introduction to EGAF by the Chair, Otto de Jong, was followed by a presentation by EAST Development Director Rui Carvalho, covering the latest EAST terminal fraud statistics from the H1 2019 European Payment Terminal Crime Report.  Tobias Wieloch of Europol then gave a high level view of the terminal fraud attack situation across Europe which was followed by threat assessments from around Europe:

  • NORTH – Nordics – Arnt Olav Rottereng – Evry
  • SOUTH – Italy – Veronica Borgogna – Bancomat SpA
  • EAST – Russia – Nikolai Dosh – Mastercard Members Association (MCMA)
  • WEST – UK – Ben Birtwistle – NatWest Bank Plc

terminal fraudThese were followed by an overview and demonstration of the Checkcard Software by Tobias Heckmann from the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen, Germany. This has been developed as an investigation tool to validate whether or not a smart card is genuine. The check is done off-line, either using software on a desktop or on an android phone.

terminal fraudThe event concluded with an update on logical security – Otto de Jong covered black box attacks and Terence Devereux of Diebold Nixdorf spoke about ATM malware attacks.

Attendance at the regular EAST EGAF work group meetings is limited and this event enabled active participation and input from a much wider pool of expertise.

More information on the event can be found on the EAST Events Website

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